Actimetrics ClockLab Data Collection System

Model AM1-CD01


ClockLab’s data collection application runs on Windows operating systems and performs many functions that are not usually incorporated in similar systems.



  • Wireless connections. In addition to hard-wired connections via the USB interface, ClockLab can now connect wireless to up to 1000 running wheels or infrared motion sensor.
  • Low cost per channel. High channel counts save computer costs and space.
  • Reliable. Our systems have logged over millions of hours of operation. Some of our systems have run continuously for several years without restarting or rebooting (not recommended).
  • Start and Stop each channel independently. Recording on any channel can be started (or stopped) at any time with a user-selectable file name. Different files can be located in different directories for convenient segregation of multiple, concurrent experiments.
  • Simple, high-density connections. RJ-45 (ethernet-style) connectors for compact wiring.
  • Monitor almost any sensor, including running wheels, infrared motion detectors, or any digital signal.
  • Remote data access. To monitor ongoing experiments, download data files over the internet at any time using FTP or Windows network capabilities.
  • View actograms in real-time. A single click opens developing files in the ClockLab Analysis program.
  • Automatic detection of low activity levels. Low-activity warning for all channels can be viewed in a single window.
  • Automated email warnings. ClockLab can be configured to send email warnings to multiple email accounts when activity goes out of range or when other problems arise.

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