Actimetrics ClockLab Analysis Package

Model AM1-CA06


A widely used stand-alone program for the analysis of circadian rhythms. It can read and analyze records obtained from almost any circadian data collection system, including the ClockLab data collection program.


ClockLab Analysis combines a point-and-click interface with state-of-the-art algorithms. Embedded controls turn each graph into a powerful interactive tool for data analysis. Our users enjoy ClockLab's speed and convenience.

ClockLab automatically reads data files from many data collection systems: ClockLab Data Collection, ClockLab Wireless, LumiCycle, Trikinetics, CamNTech, Actiwatch, DataQuest, Condor, VitalView, Sable Systems, Columbus Instruments, and more. It is also possible to create data files that ClockLab can read using a simple text-based or CSV format.


  • Automated detection of activity onsets for period estimation
  • Activity Profile with Least Squares sine-wave fit, F statistics and p-value estimation (Cosinor)
  • Periodogram: Chi-squared, F, and Lomb-Scargle
  • FFT and Wavelet Analyses
  • Bout analysis
  • Click-and-Drag over actogram for easy navigation through long records.
  • Phase shift measurements from detected onsets
  • Non-Parametric Circadian Rhythm Analysis (NPCRA)
  • Batch Export analyses for multiple files either to spreadsheet files or directly to Excel
  • Batch print graphs for multiple files, either 1 to a page or multiple graphs to a page
  • Access data in multiple formats, including ClockLab, Actiwatch, Dataquest, Minimitter, Trikinetics and many others
  • Windows and Mac compatible
  • Actogram plot colors and styles can be set by the user
  • Context Help: Hover over a control to display text regarding its use
  • Keyboard shortcuts for common functions (Open, Next File, Previous File, etc.)

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